Acts Of The Spirit

Message #189 || Oct. 10, 2005


     It is a wonderful, beautiful, glorious thing to be knowing our God, to be knowing that our God knows exactly what He is doing. We are living in times when we are seeing the mighty acts of God revealed, when we are seeing His glory, His might, His power, His triumph, His victory. It is important that we realize that it is God who is doing these things in the earth.

     As you know, we are living in a time of great natural disasters when God is bringing forth His vengeance, His wrath, His fury, His indignation upon the unrighteous. We need to realize and appreciate that God’s judgment is here and that God is showing that He is the one who reigns victorious.

     Actually this is not the time to mourn but this is the time to give thanks and praise unto our God, because God has lived with and tolerated men’s sins long enough and now He says that the cup is full. Therefore God is bringing forth His vengeance in such a way that men will know that it is by Him that these mighty acts are performed. We need to realize that our God is doing these things and He is doing them because He is cleansing the earth. He is doing them because He wants men to pay heed unto Him and realize that He is the one true God. When God brings nations down and shakes up the earth it is that men would pay heed unto Him. God desires that we would realize that He is fully in control, that He is the omnipresent, that He is the one true God.

     There are multitudes, vast multitudes of men and women who worship idols throughout this earth, but their idols cannot help them in the day of calamity, their idols cannot keep them in the day of evil, their idols cannot keep them from the wrath of an indignant God. God is full-up of the vileness, the wickedness, the corruption that men have exhibited in His sight. Because of that, God is vindicating Himself through His judgments and we need to rejoice in the same.

     Turn with me to Psalm 96 and let us read verses 1-3. I’m reading from The Amplified Bible. “O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to the Lord, bless [affectionately praise] His name; show forth His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples. For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; He is to be reverently feared and worshiped above all so-called gods.” So we see that it is the time to sing a new song. It is the time to sing unto the Lord. It is the time to praise His name and show forth His salvation from day to day. Notice it says we are to declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all people.

     Continuing in verses 4-8, it says, “For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; He is to be reverently feared and worshiped above all so-called gods. For all the gods of the nations are [lifeless] idols, but the Lord made the heavens. Honor and majesty are before Him; strength and beauty are in His sanctuary. Ascribe to the Lord, O you families of the people, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Give to the Lord the glory due to His name; bring an offering and come (before Him) into His courts.” So we see that it is the time to give honor, to give glory, to magnify the Lord for who He is. It is the time to know that it is He who is worthy to be praised, that it is He who is worthy of all offerings and that it is the time to come before Him.

     Verses 9-13 tell us, “O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; tremble and reverently fear before Him, all the earth. Say among the nations that the Lord reigns; that the world also is established, that it cannot be moved; He shall judge and rule the people righteously and with justice. Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; let the sea roar and all the things which fill it. Let the field be exultant, and all that is in it! Then shall all the trees of the woods sing for joy before the Lord; for He comes, for He comes to judge and govern the earth! He shall judge the world with righteousness and justice, and the people with His faithfulness and truth.” Oh, what a wonderful thing to know that it is the time to praise our God! It is the time to thank our God that He is judging, that it is Him who has come, that it is Him who will govern, that it is Him who will show forth His righteousness once again, that it is Him that we can look to for His faithfulness and His truth, that it is Him that we can give praises unto continually. This is not the time to weep and mourn but it is the time to give thanks unto our God, for it is God who is bringing forth His wrath, His fury, His indignation in His judgments of righteousness and truth, for our God is just and His way is perfect. If we will but yield unto Him we will see that it is the time of great glory, it is the time of The Acts of the Spirit of the Living God.

     It is the time for us to worship Him in the reverential fear of who He is and what He is able to do. It is not the time to argue against God and defend those who are idol worshipers, defend those who are full of evil and iniquity, defend those who are despisers of the way of the Lord, simply because they are human beings. But it is the time to realize that it is God who is executing His judgment against the wicked, against the idolaters, against those who are false in their relationship towards Him. It is God’s timing that He is bringing down the haughty, the proud, the high-minded; that He is bringing down the belligerent, bringing down the arrogant, bringing down those who have made a mockery of His name. It is the time to rejoice when our God does these things and not the time to mourn. It is the time to be praising our God, to be rejoicing in Him, to be singing a new song, because it is the time that our Lord is coming in His judgment. If we look around us, if we listen to what is happening throughout the earth, we can see that it is the time that our God is judging and judging and judging. WE ARE NOT TO OPPOSE THE LORD. WE ARE NOT TO PLAY GREATER THAN GOD. WE ARE NOT TO GROW HUMANISTIC BREASTS OF FALSE COMPASSION AND ASK THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD TO NURSE ON THE SAME. But we are to stand in the righteousness of the execution of the judgment of our God and to be glad that it is Him who is bringing it forth.

     The Scripture says that it is the time to sing a new song unto the Lord, to rejoice and give praise unto Him. Oh, how wonderful it is that our God has come in His judgments and that He will continue to come, bringing forth the same in justice and in truth! How wonderful it is to know that we can rely upon Him that His ways are righteous, that His ways are blessed, that His ways are perfect! How wonderful it is to know that we can believe in our God, trust in our God, again and again and again!

     Dear people, it is not the time to live in a bubble of false humanistic assumption as to what God can and cannot do, but it is the time to realize that our God has come, that He is performing His righteous judgments, that He is bringing forth that which He has threatened to do unto the sons of men if they would not turn from their wicked ways. It is not the time to mourn the loss of idol worshipers, but it is the time to celebrate the judgment of our God. It is the time to be glad, to give thanks unto Him that He is bringing His judgments against the evil, against the iniquity, against the corruption, against the vileness that is prevalent in these times. It is the time to be thankful day by day by day that we can look to our God, that we can believe in our God, that we can trust that His way is righteous.

     For indeed it is a good thing and a sweet thing, it is a blessed thing, to be able to look to Him, to be able to rely upon the light, the strength, the power, the glory that He alone can provide. It is the Lord who will provide the way for the righteous that they can rejoice and be giving thanks and praise continually that He is our God. It is the Lord who will bring His judgment against the wicked, against the corrupted, against the vile who continue to violate His truth.

     How wonderfully blessed we are to be able to sing praises unto our God, to be able to sing the new song of praise and honor and glory unto His name! It is our God who does wield the sword of His righteous judgment, who does bring down those who are opposers of the truth. There are many mockers and scoffers throughout the earth who are proud in their contempt for the Living God, but it is God who will render them helpless and useless, it is God who will vindicate Himself upon them, it is God who will bring them even unto death in an instant, for it is God who is the Almighty. He is the God who is to be held in reverent fear. How wonderful it is to see that our God is restoring His righteousness in the earth, that He is restoring His Kingdom, that He is declaring to all nations that He is God!

     Oh, let us exalt our God, let us praise our God, for He is mighty. Do not be caught up in a bubble of false human compassion, feeling sorry for those whom the Lord does smite through His fury; but rather rejoice that it is the Lord who will put the wicked in his place, who will render them useless, who will render them helpless, who will bring them to nought. It is the time to rejoice that our God shall be glorified in His majesty, in His glory, in His strength and His might. It is the time to know that we are seeing the mighty ACTS of the Almighty God that His Spirit is pouring forth, for He is bringing forth the Spirit of judgment in this hour. It is the time to give praise and honor and glory unto Him, for He is ALMIGHTY. It is the time to worship Him, to adore Him, to know that He is the one that we must depend upon. No longer will men be able to flaunt themselves in their wickedness, flaunt themselves in their exaltation of other gods. Now is the time that the one true God has taken His throne. It is the time to declare Him, to worship Him, to proclaim Him unto all nations. It is the time to be glad that we can serve Him, that we can sing unto Him the new song of glory, honor and praise.

     How blessed we are to be in such times, for our Lord has come, our God has come in the glory of His judgment wrath, in the glory of His fury, His indignation against the wicked, the vile, the corrupted! How wonderful it is to know that it is our God who does these mighty things and it is not the work of any man! Let us thank Him and praise Him, let us sing unto Him a new song that will glorify His name. Indeed it is a blessed and a beautiful thing to exalt our God, to worship our God, to bow down low before Him. It is a glorious and a wondrous thing to know that our God does prevail, to know that our God is the conquering King, to know that we can count upon His name, that we can count upon the power that is invincible, that is enduring, that is everlasting; to know that we can rely upon Him day by day, that we can exalt His name and worship Him forevermore.

     How wonderful it is to know that as we sing a new song of praise and honor and glory unto our God—as we magnify Him, as we glorify Him, as we lift Him up before all men—that He will show forth His power! He will show that it is He who will set the nations to trembling, set the nations in fear once again, that they will recognize and know that He is God. He is indeed the Almighty, the one true God who reigns supreme. How wonderful it is to be serving Him! It is the time to rejoice, it is the time to give thanks, it is the time to be glad, FOR OUR GOD REIGNS. And as He shows forth His judgment hand, let us sing unto Him the new song of praise and honor and glory.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!