Acts Of The Spirit

Message #213 || Feb. 22, 2006


     Praise God, welcome to the Acts of the Spirit radio broadcast. Today we are privileged to be serving the Living God. We are privileged to be walking in Him, and we should be privileged to be declaring Him. God wants us to be able to declare Him as He is, He wants us to be a witness and a testimony of the goodness of His life in our lives. So many who claim that they are Christian do not live the life and do not declare the life that is found in the Lord. They think that if they merely go to church that is enough, but it is not enough.

God wants us to be witnesses. He wants us to testify of His goodness and His mercy, of His strength and His power, of His healing virtue, of His delivering hand. We need to make sure that we make the way everyday to bear witness of the truth. Whether it is the way that we live our lives, or speak to others, we still need to make an effort to bear witness of the truth of who He is.

It is a blessed thing to be walking uprightly in God, to be looking unto God, to be believing God, to be knowing that He alone is able. When it is the Lord that we will look to in faith believing, it is the Lord that will uplift us and bring us forth.

Turn with me if you will in Mark 9, this is something that we need to consider as important in our lives with God. It says beginning in verse 38, reading from the Amplified version, “John said to Him, teacher we saw a man driving out demons in your name, who does not follow along with us. We forbade him to do it because he is not of our band of your disciples. But Jesus said, do not restrain or hinder, or forbid him for no one who does a mighty work in my name will soon afterward be able to speak evil of me. For he who is not against us is for us. For I tell you truly whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to and bear the name of Christ will by no means fail to get his reward.”

So we see that the Lord was letting John to know that just because the man was not following along, if he was still declaring the mighty work in the name of Jesus, that he would therefore be of those who were of the Kingdom of God. You know we need to realize that there is much work to be done for the Lord in this wicked and perverse generation. Just because not everyone may follow in the way that we are being led, as long as they are following the Lord, as long as they declaring the Lord, as long as they are casting out demons in His name, then we need to let that work go on for the Lord’s sake.

Because we are living in a time when there are multitudes, and multitudes, and multitudes of souls who are perishing in darkness, perishing in iniquity and we need to declare the truth in boldness at every opportunity and chance that we get.

The Lord wants us to bear witness of Him, He wants others to be brought into His Kingdom, He wants men to be snatched from a burning hell and brought forth by His power. How wonderful it is to be able to bear witness of that which the Lord is able to do, to bear witness of the truth, the power, the glory of who He is. We do not need to be worrying about those who are declaring the Lord whether they are of our denomination, whether they are of our persuasion, as long as they are declaring Him.

You know denominationalism is like a chopper, it comes in and chops up God’s body and then it puts walls of separation between God’s people and we find that those of different denominations are terrified of those of the other denominations.

But we do not need to let such spirits of division keep us from the declaration of the truth, keep us from the being kindred in the body of Christ, and keep us from declaring the truth of who our God is, to those that are perishing. How important it is in this wicked and perverse generation that we work for the rescue of souls, that we work at bringing forth men, women, and children from a burning hell, that we labor while it is yet day.

We are not meant to sit back and criticize, and analyze, and denominationalize, but we are meant to evangelize. That is we are meant to evangelize and bring forth souls, by the righteousness of our God into the glorious Kingdom that He does provide.

If it is the Lord that we will look unto, and believe in, if it is the Lord that we will declare, we will find that the signs will follow after us as we believe. It is in the name of the Lord that we shall cast out devils, that we shall speak with new tongues, that we shall lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover.

How glorious it is to know that our Kingdom Savior is the one who does bring forth His Kingdom in power, in strength, and in glory. How wonderful it is to know that we can be reliant upon that which He alone can provide. When we are looking unto the Lord in faith believing, when we are partaking of that which God does provide, we will be uplifted again and again. We will be given the marvelous strength, the invincible glories that He alone delights to provide us.

How good it is that we can be reliant upon God, that we can be dependent upon that mercy day after day. How wonderful it is to know that it is the Lord who is our rock of refuge, that it is the Lord who is our strength, that it is the Lord who is our light. How wonderful it is to know that as we are partaking of that which He shall provide that we will be brought forth in Him. It is by His mercy that we shall be uplifted, that we shall be given the renewing strength that He alone can provide. When we are looking unto the Lord, declaring the Lord, we will see that men are set free. We will see that those in bondage, that those in captivity, that those in oppression are freed by the very declaration of the Lord.

How wonderful it is to be able to see souls rescued and spared from a burning hell, brought forth in salvation, rather than being taken in damnation. How wonderful it is to know that you can evangelize the lost day after day, after day. As long as there are those who are perishing, there is the need for the declaration of the salvation of our God. There is the need to get up out of our easy chairs, to get up out of our couch slouch and get busy for the Lord. How good it is to know that we can be walking forward, that we can be walking in truth, proclaiming the glorious, marvelous light of who He is. How wonderful it is to know that we can be uplifted in the glorious presence that our God does provide day after day.

For when we will be looking unto the Lord believing in His power, believing in His presence, believing in His mercy, we will see that He makes the way. Yes indeed, the way that He makes is the way glorious, it is the way wondrous, it is the way that He has in preparation for all of those who are trusting in Him. And it is a good thing to know that when we are declaring the Lord that we will not need to worry about those who may be of a different persuasion as long as they are lifting up His name. For it is not whether we are denominationalized and stamped out by the same machine but it is whether we are declaring the Lord in boldness, declaring the Lord in truth, and declaring the Lord in the mighty power of who He is.

When we will be walking uprightly in Him, declaring His Kingdom, declaring His power, declaring His glory, we will see souls redeemed. How wonderful it is to know that we have done our part, that we have done our labor and our share of rescuing those who are perishing in their sins. It is just as if we saw a giant lake and men were drowning in that lake with no way to get to the shore, and we offered them the rope of hope. We would not care if the man on the other side of the rope was of the same color, was of the same creed that we were of. But we would be laboring diligently, we would be laboring feverishly to see the ones who were drowning brought to shore. That is how it is in this great war for the souls of men, we need to labor side by side, we need to labor feverishly and diligently, for the souls that are perishing. We need to realize that more than our denominations, it is the salvation of souls that is important.

It is important that men be brought into the saving graces of our Lord, our God, and our King. It is important that men be saved from a burning hell, that they be brought into the glorious light that He alone can provide.

When it is the Lord that we will look unto in faith believing, we will find that He makes the way. We will find that there are multitudes and multitudes brought forth in the glorious power that only He can provide. It is a good thing and a sweet thing to look unto God, to believe in our God, to trust in our God. It is a good thing to know that through our God we can be brought forth, we can be uplifted, and bring others forth likewise. It is not the time to lay in a bed of ease, it is not the time to partake of sleaze, but it is the time to labor for our King.

The Lord desires that we would be walking uprightly, declaring the truth in boldness, day by day. It is the time to shake off the shackles of laziness, and lack of concern that are so easily encumbering us in this hour. It is the time to troop forward in the mighty strength, the power, the glory that is found in His name. It is the time to declare the name of Jesus even unto the ends of the earth that men can be uplifted and brought forth.

How wonderful it is to be serving the Living God, to be walking in His light, His strength, His power, His glory. How wonderful it is to be declaring Him to those who are in captivity, to those who are in bondage, to those who are oppressed by the spirits of darkness. How wonderful it is to be knowing that we can be reliant, dependent upon Him, coming forth in that which He has ordained. When it is the Lord that we look unto in faith believing, when it is the Lord that we will uplift, when it is the Lord that we will magnify, we will see that His Kingdom has come.

When we are declaring that marvelous Kingdom, we will see the captives set free. How wonderful it is to see brethren casting out devils in the name of the Lord. How wonderful it is to see sisters trooping forward declaring the mercies of God. How wonderful it is to know that throughout the earth that God is putting forth the call for His great army to arise, to arise and declare His righteousness, to arise and declare His holiness, to arise and declare His truth. It is the time, the generation, the hour to declare the Lord in His strength, His power, His glory, to see souls rescued and redeemed. To see them brought forth in the mercies, to see them brought forth in the light, that He alone can provide.

It is a glorious, wondrous thing to know that our God is triumphant, to know that our God is victorious, to know that our God shall prevail. It is a wonderful, beautiful thing to march onward, to march upward, to march forth in the glorious power of our King. How wonderful it is to see men and women stirred for the cause of Christ, declaring Him as He is in boldness, declaring Him that others can grab hold of that rope of hope, being pulled out of the lake of iniquity, the lake of fire, that waits to devour their souls. How wonderful it is when we see men brought to the shore, when we see them rescued from a burning eternity, when we see them revived in the glorious strength that is in our God.

What a day it is that we may labor, what a day it is that we may toil, for the glories of our King. For it is a good thing to be able to declare Him, to be able to walk in Him, to be able to reflect the glorious light of who He is. What a wonderful thing it is to be uplifted, to be declaring the truth, to be declaring the King, to be declaring His glory. It is the time to walk in the boldness, declaring our God, rescuing the perishing, that they may be redeemed.



Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!