Message #245
~By: General Deborah Green~

PRAISE GOD! Welcome to another Acts of the Spirit message. What a privilege it is to be declaring the goodness, the power, the strength of our God! What a good thing it is to be knowing that we can trust in Him, believe in Him, for He is well-able!

You know, the Lord desires that we will be looking unto Him continually, because He is the one who is our mainstay. The Lord desires that we would be looking unto Him continually, because He is the Life. Today we are going to be reading out of John the 14th chapter. This is a very good portion of Scripture, and it's something that will encourage us and, I believe, excite us, if we are truly wanting to walk in God.

It is one thing to say that we love the Lord, but it's another thing to go the Lord's way. So often, God's people say that they love Him, say that they choose Him, but it is not really Him that they love. They love their own will, they love their own way, they choose to walk in darkness instead of the light. You know, if you claim that you love the Lord and yet you are adhering to the world, cleaving to the world, loving the world, chasing the world, you're a liar. Because we cannot serve two masters, and if we are loving the Lord, then it is Him that we must obey. And we should give Him the obedience that He desires of us, not out of begrudging, not out of resentment, but out of joyfulness that we have been given the privilege to obey.

Turn with me, if you will, to John the 14th chapter, beginning in verse 12. I am reading from the Amplified version. It says, "I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, if any one steadfastly believes in Me, he will himself be able to do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these, because I go to the Father." Now if you really stop and think about what that is saying there, it is saying, that if we will steadfastly believe in the Lord, that we will be able to do the things that the Lord has done. That means that if it is the Lord that we trust in, if it is the Lord that we look to, if it is the Lord that we continue in, that the same works that Jesus has done, we shall be able to do. And why will we be able to do those things? Because we are believing, because we are in obedience. You know, we cannot do the works of God if we are going to live in disobedience and disrespect towards the Lord Jesus.

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"It is one thing to say that we love the Lord, but it's another thing to go the Lord's way. ...If you claim that you love the Lord and yet you are adhering to the world, cleaving to the world, loving the world, chasing the world, YOU'RE A LIAR."

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In verses 13-15 it says, "And I will do--I Myself will grant--whatever you may ask in My name [presenting all I AM] so that the Father may be glorified and extolled in [through] the Son. [Exodus 3:14.] [Yes] I will grant--will do for you--whatever you shall ask in My name [presenting all I AM]. If you [really] love Me you will keep (obey) My commands." So we see that He is saying that He will be there to see that we get our prayers answered, if we are asking in His name. It says, "presenting all I AM". And I wonder there if that presenting of all that He is by asking in His name does not mean that we are meant to be in His character, that we are meant to be in His sincerity, that we are meant to be in His quality, that we are meant to be in the relationship that He had with the Father.

And it says, " that the Father may be glorified and extolled in [through] the Son". So we see that Jesus is wanting His Father to receive the glory, He is wanting His Father to be extolled and glorified, He is wanting His Father to be lifted up as we come through doing those things or receiving those things that we ask because we are in Him. He says, "[Yes] I will grant--will do for you--whatever you shall ask in My name [presenting all I AM]. If you [really] love Me you will keep (obey) My commands. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter [and "Comforter" means the following:] (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby) that He may remain with you forever" (vv. 14-16). Now this is the promise that was given--that we would be given the Comforter. And when you read the definition of what that Comforter is--and Jesus is saying that He may remain with you forever--you see what a splendid request that He is asking of His Father! And we see that the Holy Ghost is the gift of the Father that is bestowed upon us at the petition of the Son. But that Comforter means "Counselor, the Helper, the Intercessor, the Advocate, the Strengthener" and "Standby". Oh, what a glorious package that is to receive with all of these aspects in there that we can depend upon, that we can look to, that we can trust in, that we can believe in, because this gift is coming from the Father by the desire of the Son! What a glorious wonderful thing that is that we can be trusting in God.

And it says, "...the Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive (welcome, take to its heart), because it does not see Him, nor know and recognize Him. But you know and recognize Him, for He lives with you [constantly] and will be in you" (v. 17). Praise God. What a glorious thing that we are going to be filled! The Spirit of Truth is going to fill us and we will be in a place of being counseled, interceded for, having our own Advocate, our own Strengthener and our Standby. And all of these things are inherent in that which the Father is going to give unto us at the request of the Son. I mean, what more could we want, that while Jesus is going away, that He is giving unto us everything that we have need of? Everything that He asked the Father to give us will be given.

And it says in verses 18-20, "I will not leave you orphans--comfortless, desolate, bereaved, forlorn, helpless--I will come [back] to you. Just a little while now and the world will not see Me any more, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also. At that time--when that day comes--you will know [for yourselves] that I am in My Father, and you [are] in Me, and I [am] in you." Then He goes on and He says, "The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me, and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father. And I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him--I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him" (v. 21). Praise God. And isn't that wonderful, that we are privileged to know that we can be receiving of the Comforter, that we can be receiving of that strengthening, that we can be receiving of that power, of that glory, that we can be receiving all those things through the Father at the request of the Son? And what a wonderful thing to know that that Intercessor will be continually in us and that we will be uplifted in the intercession that will cause us to develop and grow and mature spiritually, that we do not need to remain as babes but we can grow up into the fulness of the stature of the Son of God and be accepted of the Father as we are!

It is a glorious thing to know that Jesus is wanting us to have what He had. And that's why He is saying, "I will give you the Comforter, who will prove to be all of these things to you and who will be constantly with you and you will be guided by the same guidance that I received." Now to me, it shows the humility of Jesus, because He could have taken all the glory to Himself and said, "Oh, you poor wimps! Once I leave you, you will be nothing. Once I depart from you, you will fall to the ground. And once I go back to the Father, I will be nothing more to you than a fond memory, because you will have no semblance of the power that I have manifested, because I am the Son of God and you are nothing!" But Jesus did not walk or talk in such a way. He considered them (His disciples), and said, "I'm not going to leave you as orphans." And He said, "I'm going to send to you the power that you have need of--the one that will comfort you, counsel you, guide you, stand by you, be your advocate, be everything that you need."

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"It is a glorious thing to know that Jesus is wanting us to have what He had."

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Now isn't that beautiful and glorious that we can receive that same thing that He had--that we can receive the power from on high, that we can receive that in-filling, that we can receive that fulness of power that will lead us and guide us and direct us all of our days! What a privilege it is to know that Jesus has sought the Father, and because of the request of the Son, as believers, we are privileged to receive the Holy Ghost Baptism; that we are privileged to received the in-filling, to receive the fire that only comes from God. Today that Holy Ghost is here for us to receive and to walk in the power contained therein. And if we will receive what the Father desires to give us at the request of the Son, we will find that we have the same Holy Ghost power that Jesus walked under during His ministry upon this earth. Isn't it a good day to receive the in-filling of the Holy Ghost? Isn't it a good day to receive the Baptism?

PRAYER: Father, we pray right now for all of those who are reading this message, even some who think they are already in the Holy Ghost but have never manifested the signs that you have told us will be evidenced by those who are really baptized. We are praying for all who would desire to receive this in-filling of this power of the Comforter even now, and we are praying that they would be released in their heavenly language to speak in other tongues as the Spirit does give utterance (praying in tongues).

PROPHETIC WORD: "My children, I speak to thee, I say that I will come to thee. I say receive ye me. I say do not reject me, do not scorn nor scoff me, but I say receive ye me, for I say that I come to thee. And I say it is a blessed thing when you will receive that which I have for thee, for I say that I come to thee. I say do not put me off but I say open unto me, for I say that I come to thee."

Oh, what a beautiful thing to know that we can receive that Spirit of Comfort; that we can receive that Spirit of Peace, that Spirit of Standby and Strength and Glory and Power; that we can walk in the power that Jesus walked in! Because of His humility, because of His mercy, because of His lovingkindness, He will give unto us the very power that He had from the Father. Oh, what a blessed thing it is to know that even this day that we have received and we will walk in that Spirit, that we will live in that Spirit, that we will be the Spirit people that God intends His children to be!

God does not call us forth to call us to be carnal creatures, trampling around and crushing the precious things of His Spirit truth. But God calls us to walk respective of the anointing, the strength, the power, the glory that are found in Jesus, our Savior, our Lord, our Master, our King. And what a beautiful thing it is to be led by the Comforter, to be guided into those intercessions that will keep us in the way of the truth. What a glorious thing it is to know that today is the day that we have received the seed of the Spirit, that we can walk in that Spirit, be comforted by the same, and come forth rejoicing always.

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