Message #246
~by General Deborah Green~

PRAISE GOD. Welcome to this Acts of the Spirit message. What a privilege it is to be serving the Living God, to know that He is alive, alive, alive; to know that we can come to Him, that we can believe in Him, that we can trust in Him because He is well-able! What a blessed thing it is to be able to cry out unto our God and know that He will answer! Oh, if only we can perceive what we can receive if we sow in the Spirit of the Living God!

You know, God is sick of a people that are looking continually to the carnal realm, continually to what they can achieve in the flesh, to what they can gain that will pass away. Because, you know, we are not meant to live our lives on that which passes away, but we are meant to live our lives for that which is found in the eternal realm with God and with all of the glory that reflects who He is. The Lord does not want us to keep continuing on a plane that is carnal whereby we only worry about the creature comfort, the creature satisfaction and gratification; but God desires that we would abandon ourselves fully unto the Spirit. Because God's call always has been and always will be for a Spirit people, that is, a people who will recognize that it is the Spirit that gives them life and who seek to remain in the same. That is, He desires a people who will be obedient to the commands of the Spirit, doing whatsoever it is that the Spirit speaketh, with rejoicing and the giving of thanks.

Today we are going to be reading out of Romans the 8th chapter. Oh, what a thrill it is to go to the Word of God, to receive our instruction and to know that we can follow the same! You know, the Lord wants us to be ever quickened to His Word, to be able to perceive and receive the instructions that are given to us on a daily basis. Some people think, "Well, if I go to church once in a while, that's enough." But you know, that's actually a sin in the eyes of God. Because yes, that's fine (in one sense) if you go to church once in a while, but you know, we should come to the Lord every single day. We should seek to live and abide in the presence of Almighty God, because it is Him who is our lifeline. And we should seek to bring even our thoughts into subjectivity to the mind of the Lord, because in so doing, we show to Him that it is Him that we believe in. We should not live our lives in carnality and fleshliness, in pursuit of that which passes away, and then pay an occasional oblation unto God by going to church once in a while. But we should seek to abide in the presence of the Living God continually, because that is really God's requirement.

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"God's call always has been and always will be for a Spirit people . . . He desires a people who will be obedient to the commands of the Spirit, doing whatsoever it is that the Spirit speaketh, with rejoicing and the giving of thanks."

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You know, when we are living in "lazy town", we really don't realize what it is that God desires and requires of His people. It's just like if I live in a place where everybody has a leaky roof--I don't know what it is to have a roof without a leak. But if I go and get my roof patched and I live in a dry house, and all of a sudden, my belongings stop mildewing, and rotting, and everything stops being sodden with rainwater, I've come to a higher level of existence, that is, I no longer live in a house with a leaky roof just because everybody else lives there. But you know, we are living in a time when everybody is willing to take the lazy man's way and not achieve in God. But God desires that we will be spiritual achievers, that we could be spiritual receivers, that is, receiving of the abundance that He has in store for all of those who will press in to know Him. Praise God.

Okay, in Romans the 8th chapter (I'm reading from the King James Version), beginning in verse 1, it says, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace" (vv. 1-6). Oh, how wonderful it is to be spiritually minded! to seek to be pleasing the Lord, to seek to be walking in the Lord, to seek to be instructed and guided in His Spirit, to be uplifted in the same! You know, we need to pursue those things that pertain to the Kingdom of God, we need to walk in His righteousness, walk in His strength, His power, His glory. For when it is the Lord we will be looking unto, we will find that the Lord will enable us; we will find that the Lord will take us onward and upward as it pleases Him. For it is indeed a wonderful and a beautiful thing, a blessed thing, to know that we can draw of the power of our God, to know that as we are looking unto Him, trusting in Him, that we will be a Spirit-led people.

So often, God's people start out to follow Him in the Spirit, and they end in the flesh. And that is because they become lazy and lackadaisical, slothful along the way, and they begin to hearken to the ravenings of the carnal mind rather than listening to the commands of the Spirit. As you know, that if we are carnally minded, the Bible says, that that is the sentence of death. So when we give in to the carnal mind in all of its rantings, in all of those things that it wants to lead us off into that are vain pursuits, we are taken away from the life that is found in the Spirit of God. But if we will cleave unto the Lord with the giving of thanks and praise, we will find that we are led forth in His Spirit-truth, His Spirit-light, His Spirit-glory. What a blessed thing it is to be uplifted, able to rejoice always as we walk in the Spirit! God desires a people who would be living and abiding in His Spirit, that they could see the marvelous Acts of His Spirit revealed.

You know, there are good things, blessed things, wondrous things that the Spirit desires to show forth day by day by day, and how often we miss those things because we keep our minds, our thoughts, our intentions, our actions, on a purely carnal level. And when we do that, we are walking in death, we are living in death, we are speaking death, we are pursuing death. But God does not want us to be among the dead, but He wants us to be among the living, that is, those who are living in the Spirit of who He is, those who are willing to come forth in the glorious realms of triumph that only He can provide. For it is indeed a glorious thing, a wondrous thing to be uplifted in the power of our God, to know that it is the Lord who is the omnipresent, to know that it is the Lord who is the glorious, to know that it is the Lord who is the wondrous One who does provide. For when we are looking unto Him in faith believing and adhering unto that which the Spirit will speak unto us, we will be uplifted and brought forth, and we will be able to be made more than conquerors, made to be alive in Him. For it is indeed a wonderful thing to be able to be free from the law of sin and death, to be able to come forth in the law of life that is the walk in the Spirit.

All of those of you who have longed for such a thing, today is the day to begin to receive all that God has. For God does not withhold Himself from a people who are eager to receive, a people who are eager to believe. But God withholds Himself when we will not give up that which we know to be death, to be sin, to be devastation, and we cling to the same because we are carnally minded. But we can be renewed by the washing of the Word; our minds can be uplifted to receive and perceive the things that be of the Spirit of Almighty God. What a blessed thing it is even this day to know that if we look to Him, we shall know victory in triumph!

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"You know, there are good things, blessed things, wondrous things that the Spirit desires to show forth day by day by day, and how often we miss those things because we keep our minds, our thoughts, our intentions, our actions, on a purely carnal level. And when we do that, we are walking in death, we are living in death, we are speaking death, we are pursuing death."

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There are some of you, you have been troubled continually and sore vexed because the enemy has kept you on the carnal plane. Your spirit has longed to soar in the Lord but there seems as though there are bondages against you, as though there are weights keeping you down, as though there are chains upon your mind. Right now we are going to break those powers of darkness through the Mighty Name of Jesus and through the empowerment of the Holy Ghost.


We just come against every spirit of bondage, every spirit of oppression, every spirit of heaviness that does seek to beset the people of God. We come against those nagging and haranguing thoughts that always keep us boxed up in carnality, that keep us pursuing the lusts of the flesh, and we command those things to get off of us in Jesus' name. We thank you, dear God, that it is you who is our liberty, that it is you who is our freedom, that it is you who is the Revolutionary who brings revolt in our lives, that we can revolt against our own carnality, that we can revolt against the sentence of death, that we can revolt against the body of sin and come forth in you. We thank you, dear God, for delivering us even this day of those oppressive forces.

Likewise we come against the bondages of sicknesses that have afflicted us in the body, and we command those bondages to be broken off, in Jesus' name. Everyone that is suffering physically from a sickness, a disease, illness, THIS IS YOUR TIME TO BE RELEASED. For the Lord is well able and He desires that you would be released from the bondages always thrown upon you and your aches and pains and your troubles in all of your sorrow. IT IS NOT TIME TO DWELL UPON THOSE THINGS, BUT IT IS TIME TO DWELL UPON THE GLORIES OF GOD. We just command every spirit of heaviness, every spirit of oppression, every spirit of sickness and disease to be gone, to be lifted from the people of God.

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Today we are declaring liberation to those who are shackled, to those who are bound, to those who are oppressed. We are speaking deliverance, we are speaking for healing and we are believing. As we believe in the spoken Word of the Lord, that Word becomes our liberation. And the Lord is the one who gives forth His Word, who does command and it is spoken and so His people are free. What a wonderful thing it is to know that we can be a Spirit people, that we can be uplifted, rejoicing in Him.

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Father, we are thanking you, even this day, for your wonderful mercies, for your tender lovingkindness. We are thanking you for Jesus Christ the Lord, who is our Deliverer, who is our Healer, who is our Redeemer. We are thanking you even this day that you have heard our prayers, our petitions, our cries, and that you have answered. We are thanking you that even now you are stirring us in Spirit that we can be your Spirit people.

Dear God, it is our prayer, it is our cry that we will see the mighty Acts of the Spirit day by day in our lives, that we will be a Spirit-led people, uplifted, rejoicing always in you, that we will not be in bondage to the law of sin and death but we will be in the captivity of the glorious Spirit that you desire to bring us forth in, that is, the Living Spirit of the Living God, that we may rejoice in you.

We thank you that it is you that we can trust in and believe in. We thank you that you are the one who will uplift us and take us on. We thank you this day that you have shown us once again your delivering hand, your merciful healing and the restorative powers of who you are. We thank you that it is you that we can look unto continually, trusting and believing. We thank you for the empowerment of the Holy Ghost which we do receive as we cry out in Spirit. We thank you likewise for the wonderful deliverances that are found in Jesus Christ the Lord.

We thank you, Father God, that it is you that we can believe in, that it is you that we can trust. We thank you that we can be subject unto you because you are our Master, our Keeper. We thank you for the Lordship of your Son in our lives, that we can be submitted, yielded over and walking in obedience. We thank you for the privilege to be a Spirit people, to be walking in obedience unto the commands of the same. We thank you that it is you who has privileged us, who has brought us forth in the tender mercies. And it is you that we love, it is you that we choose, it is you that we obey.

It is a wonderful, beautiful, blessed thing to give thanks and praise unto thee and know that you are able. It is a wonderful, beautiful, blessed thing to be uplifted always rejoicing in thee. And it is a wonderful, beautiful thing to be freed from the law of sin and death, able to come forth, always rejoicing, giving praise unto thee.

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