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Words Of The Spirit

Given July 27, 2008


I speak unto thee this day and I say that I have called my people to be ever abiding in me. I have called my people to be ever abiding in my presence, to be ever abiding in my mercy, to be ever abiding in my strength. I say that I have called my people to be ever coming forth in the blessedness of who I am, uplifted always. I say that if it is me the Living God that you look unto, in faith, and in hope, and in confidence, it is me the Living God who will lift thee up and bring thee forth. It is me the Living God who will direct thee in the blessedness that I alone can give thee and you will be strengthened by me. I say if it is me the Living God that you will ever be looking unto, it is me the Living God who will direct thee in the truth of who I am.

It is me the Living God who will cause thee to be a partaker of the blessedness that I can give unto thee. Therefore I say even today let it be me that you seek to please, that you will obey and follow after. Let it be me the Living God who will give thee tender mercy and you will be kept always. I say that if it is me the Living God that you will be seeking to abide in, I say that you are kept by me. Yes you will be uplifted, directed, instructed in the truth of who I am. I say that I the Living God never called thee to walk afar off, I never called thee to live in desolated places. But I say that I have called thee to be coming forth in the truth, the light, the strength, the glory of who I am. I say that I have never called thee to be seeking for thrills, to be seeking for sensations, but I have called thee to seek for me.

I say that it is me the Living God who will give unto thee such as you need. I say that you are living in a drunken and intoxicated, a crazed generation. I say you are living in a time when men are running from thrill to thrill, from sensation, to sensation always seeking for a sign. I say that they are not satisfied to learn to abide in me. Therefore they will be filled with the demonic rather than that which comes of me. I say if they are ever seeking for a sensation, for a thrill, for excitement, I say that the enemy will keep them excited. I say they will not be filled with the power of my presence, nor the strength of who I am. Nor will they be able to overcome the sin that does permeate their lives.

I say that it is me the Living God who desires a people who will draw of me and be overcoming the sin, the darkness, the iniquity that lurks within. I say that do not call thee to be a slave to sin, but I call thee to be free in me. I say that I call thee to come forth in the blessedness that I give thee uplifted always. I say that I do not call thee to be staggering about with the drunken, with the foolish, with the vile. I say therefore this day let it be me the Living God that you seek to please, that you will obey and follow after. Let it be me the Living God who will give thee the blessedness that I alone can provide and you will be kept in me. Let it be me the Living God who does uplift thee that you can rejoice always. I say that it is me the Living God who is the truth, the light, the strength, the power, the glory intended for thee. It is me the Living God who will uplift, direct, lead and guide thee for ye are mine.

I say therefore this day be ever thankful that it is me that you can look to, be ever thankful that it is me that you can believe in, be ever thankful that it is me that you can follow after. I say if you will indeed keep your vision upon me, I say that you are kept by me. But I say if you do not abide in me the Living God and you are ever seeking for thrills I say that you will be taken into captivity. I say that you will find yourself in cruel bondage because you erred away from me. I say that I the Living God do not call my people to seek for that which is ever external, but I call by my people to seek to be abiding in me the Living God.

Therefore I say you are meant to know of the abiding presence of who I am and be kept always. I say that it is me the Living God who can give that unto thee and not any man. It is me the Living God who will direct and uplift thee, lead and guide thee in the truth that I can provide. Therefore I say let it be me that you cherish, that you seek to please, that you will obey. Let it be me the Living God who can give unto thee all that you have need of to be uplifted, directed, and guided in life. I say that if you will keep focused upon me, you will be kept by me for I shall keep thee. Yes indeed you will be guided, directed, and instructed in the blessedness that I do give.

I say that it is a good thing, a sweet thing, a blessed thing to come forth always in me. It is a sweet thing, a blessed thing to be uplifted, to be brought forth in the truth that I do give thee. I say that it is me the Living God who will give thee the truth, and give thee the light, and give thee the mercies of who I am. It is me the Living God who will bring thee forth and you will be kept always. I say that it is me the Living God who is truth and light, strength and glory and the way of mercy intended. It is me the Living God who does direct my people in the way that they need in order to be kept. But I say if my people cast off sound council and seek instead for some new thrill, for some new sensation, for some new sign I say they are seeking for vanity. I say that it is in me the Living God that my people are meant to be guided, instructed, and kept always.

I say this day let it be me the Living God that you will obey, that you will be pleasing and following after. Let it be me the Living God who is blessedness and truth, life and light and the mercy intended for thee. Let it be me the Living God who will keep thee, direct thee, uplift thee and guide thee always. I say that I am the one who will direct thee in the truth of who I am. I say that I am the one who will cause thee to walk soberly redeeming the time. I say this day that there are multitudes who make the claim that they are my people yet I say they do not seek to be holy, they do not seek to be in right standing with me.

But I say instead they fill themselves on glitter, and glamor and glitz and they glut out on the world. They wonder why they make no progress in me, it is because it is not me that they seek to please. Instead they please their fleshliness, they please their carnality, and I say they go and fill themselves on religious demons. I say that I the Living God never called thee to such a vain show, no not at all. But I say that I have called thee to seek to please me, to seek to be made holy as I am holy. I say that I call thee to seek to be purified through and through and for my word to pierce thee clean. I say that I desire a people who will be humble before me ever receiving my instruction. I desire a people who will be instructed and made wise.

Therefore I say do not join the parade of fools who will only end in a ditch, a mire of their own making. But I say be ever seeking to walk uprightly in me for I am thy God. I say be ever seeking to be uplifted in the truth, the light, the strength, the glory of who I am. I say that it is me the Living God who will indeed uplift thee and bring thee forth as you keep your vision upon me. It is me the Living God who will show thee that yes indeed I am well able and I will enable thee. I say that I am the one who is truth and light, I am the one who is strength and glory, I am the one who is mercy intended always. I say if it is me the Living God that you keep on believing, it is of me that you will be receiving for I will come to thee. Yes indeed I will uplift and direct, lead and guide thee in the truth of who I am. Yes indeed I will show thee that it is me the Living God that you can be dependent upon. I say this day that I the Living God know what you have need of more than you know. I say if you have been used to sensation, used to thrills, to signs I say trust me that I know what you need. I say you do not need to follow in the way of the drunken, the way of the drug crazed, the way of the sensational. But I say that you need to be sober, to walk uprightly in me.

I say rejoice that it is me the Living God who does love thee, that it is me the Living God who does care for thee. I say rejoice that you can be brought forth in the blessedness, the truth, the light, the life that I do give. I say rejoice that you can be kept always if you keep your vision upon me. I say that it is me the Living God who does care for thee, who will uplift thee and bring thee forth. It is me the Living God who will direct thee in the life of who I am and you are kept by me. I say this day give thanks and praise unto me that I will uplift thee, that I will direct thee, that I will instruct thee always. I say give thanks and praise unto me that I will bring thee forth in the truth of who I am. I say give thanks and praise unto me that it is me the Living God who will give thee the tender mercies that I alone can give.

I say if you will learn what it is to walk circumspectly me, I say you are kept, you are strengthened and then you are able to show forth my life. I say that I the Living God do not find pleasure in a people who only reflect the world in all of its vanity, stupidity, and filthiness. But I say that I find pleasure in a people who will reflect the light, the strength, the power, the glory, the purity of who I am. I say that I find pleasure in a people who will be willing to be consecrated, separated, and holy unto me. I say that I the Living God do not find any joy at all when I look upon the ones who say they are mine and they are covered in the world, when I look upon the ones who say that they love me and they are covered in the world. When I look upon the ones who say they love me and they are lusting for vanity. When I look upon the ones who say that they desire to be led by my Spirit then they are led about by demon forces.

I say that I the Living God find no pleasure in a wayward, a rebellious, a vile generation. But I say that I find pleasure in those who are willing to give themselves fully unto me, to abide in me and follow after me. I say that I find pleasure in a people who seek to please me and not themselves. I say that it is me that you are meant to serve and obey, it is me that you are meant to please, it is me that you are meant to follow after. I say thank me and praise me, thank me and praise me that I am thy God, that it is me the Living God that you can be pleasing, that it is me the Living God that you can indeed seek to obey. I say that if it is me the Living God that you are given unto I say that you are kept. It is me the Living God who will keep thee from the snares, the entanglements, the enticements that are raging in this hour. I say that I will direct thee in the clarity that comes of serving me, I say thank me, praise me, thank me, praise me.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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