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Words Of The Spirit

Message #3388

God Can Bring down Powerful, Arrogant Nations Even in a Night. Nations That Forget about God Will Find They Are Reduced and Brought down from Palaces to Shambles by His Hand.

   Message 3388 (Given the day after the 2008 presidential election.) Nov. 5, 2008

I speak unto thee this day and I say that it is me the Living God who is indeed omnipresent, it is indeed me the Living God who is all powerful. Therefore I say unto thee look unto me and know that I am able, I am able, I am able. I say indeed the times of men shall pass away and be no more. But I say that it is me the Living God who does remain triumphant, victorious, eternally reigning as King. I say there are many in this hour they grab hold of power, they think they are gods, they think they will remain forever. But I say that they go into the dust, they are remembered no more and their bones perish in time. I say that such ones have thought themselves to remain alive, eternally glorious forever, but they were deceived. I say that it is only me the Living God who remains, who remains, who remains. Therefore I say sow unto the Kingdom that comes of me the Living God.

I say that the kingdoms of this world shall rise up, they shall pass away and be remembered no more. I say that it is me the Living God who does bring down the proud, bring down the haughty and they are nothing. I say that I can bring down, even in a night, nations that thought they were so powerful that none could bring them down. I say that it is me the Living God who does bring nations down and raise nations up. I say when men in their haughtiness and pride think that they will remain forever I say they are deceived. I say when the nations that forget about me think they can go on and on and on, I say they will find that they are reduced. I say they will be brought down from palaces to shambles by my hand. I say that it is me the Living God who is well-able. I am able, I am able. Therefore I say this day do not let thy dependency be upon nations, for they shall fall. I say do not let thy dependency be upon boasting and strutting men, for they too shall fall. But I say let thy dependency be upon me, for I am the Living God who is eternal.

I say if it is me that you will keep believing and trusting I say that you will be kept in my life. If it is me that you will be looking unto it is me the Living God who will bring thee forth. I say this day that it is me the Living God who does desire that my own people would not be trusting themselves to the arm of flesh, but that my own people would be trusting themselves to me. It is me the Living God who does desire that my people would be ever dependent, reliant upon me, for I am well-able. I say if it is me that you look unto in faith and in hope and in confidence, if it is me that you will believe, obey, and follow after, I say that you will see that I bring thee forth in the way that is lasting.

But I say that if you are given to listening to evil men and all of their schemes and plots and plans, if you are listening to boasters, those who are high-minded and haughty, I say that you will be deceived by the same. I say that I the Living God do not call my people to entangle themselves in the affairs of this world, but I say that I call my people to come forth in me. That is I call my people to love, to reverence, to worship me, for I am the one true God. I say when my people give way to the temptation to partake of the things that pertain to this world I say they are deceived by the same. I say that I the Living God never called thee to drink of the wine of worldliness, to be taken up in their affairs, to be embroiled in their fiascos.

But I say that I have called thee to come forth soberly, keeping your vision upon me. I say that I the Living God never called thee to partake of the revolutions of men, for they are vanity. But I say that I have called thee to continue in the way that I provide, the way that is truth, the way that is life. If it is me the Living God that you will ever keep focused upon, it is me the Living God who will cause thee to be uplifted, brought forth and directed in life.

It is me the Living God who will give thee the blessedness that is only to be found in me. Therefore I say unto thee this day let it be me that you will keep focused upon, that you will keep stayed upon. Let it be me that you will be believing and trusting, for I am the way of life, the way of truth. I say if it is me the Living God that you will keep looking unto always, it is me the Living God who will cause thee to be ever uplifted, brought forth and rejoicing in me. It is me the Living God who will give unto thee the blessedness that I delight to provide.

Therefore I say this day do not look to any other but look unto me and receive of me day by day. I say be thankful that it is me the Living God that you may look to in faith, and in hope, and in confidence. Be thankful that it is of me the Living God that you may receive. I say if you will indeed keep clearly focused upon me you will indeed be brought forth by me. I say you will be directed, guided, instructed and purposed in truth. I say that it is me the Living God who will give thee the blessedness, give thee the mercy, give thee the life. It is me the Living God who will cause thee to be purposed always in the way that I intend for thee.

I say that it is me who is well-able to keep the ones who are dependent upon me. It is me who is well-able to keep the ones who will keep their focus upon the way of truth that I provide. Therefore I say even today let it be me that you look to in faith and in hope and in confidence. Let it be me that you will obey and follow after. Let it be me the Living God who will give thee the blessedness of truth that is found in me. I say it is me the Living God who is the victorious, the triumphant, the one true God. It is me the Living God who will direct thee, uplift thee, and instruct thee in the way that is life. I say this day do not be troubled when you see that it is me the Living God who does judge the nations.

I say when men are proud and haughty, high-minded and arrogant against me, when they seek to do away with the truth, the light of who I am, when they seek to destroy the principles that would keep them from damnation, I say that I the Living God will indeed bring them down. I say that I will let them see that they are but men and not the gods they have seen themselves to be. Therefore I say this day do not live in fear as the heathen are in fear but live in faith and confidence in me. I say indeed it is the time that I the Living God am vindicating myself upon the wicked. I say that it is the time that I am rendering the just reward unto the proud, the haughty, the high-minded.

I say that it is me the Living God who will bring to nought the counsel of evil men whereby they have sought to destroy my people. I say that those who have strutted and boasted themselves in proud array will find they are destitute of the truth. I say in a wicked and perverse generation that it is me the Living God who will reign and not any man. For I say while men will strut and boast of their great power schemes, of their great plans and defenses, I say that such men will find themselves in the graves.

I say that it is me the Living God who has the power to take men’s lives. It is me the Living God who has the power to bring down even the most proud, the most haughty, the most high-minded. I say that it is me the Living God who will prove to be victory, prove to be triumph, prove to be glory. It is me the Living God who will cause to be brought to nought all of those who exalt themselves against me. Therefore I say this day continue to seek for my face, seek for my counsel, and you will be directed. I say that it is me the Living God who will direct the ones who will humble themselves before me. It is me the Living God who will give the truth, who will give the light, who will give the instruction.

I say that if my own people will be ever subject unto me they will be brought forth by me. I say that I the Living God will not leave my people in a wilderness whereby they are not guided, instructed and directed. But I say that I will keep my keeping hand upon the ones who will pay heed unto me. But I say that all of those who turn aside and go in the way of their own understanding will find themselves destroyed. I say indeed when men will go in the way that seems right unto them, but it is not according to my righteousness, know that they are headed in the way of destruction. I say indeed that I the Living God do not ordain that men would walk afar off from me. But I desire that men would cleave unto the wisdom, the instruction, that I give for it is life.

I say that I have never ordained that men would be separated from the truth that is found in me. But I say that I have ordained that men would come under the truth, being subject unto the same that they could be kept. Therefore I say this day do not take up the spirit of rebellion that is so prevalent in this age. But I say be ever mindful that it is me the Living God who will counsel thee in the way that is life. I say be ever mindful that it is me the Living God who will indeed instruct thee, direct thee, and guide thee in the truth of who I am.

I say that you are not meant to go in the way of the wicked, you are not meant to go in the way of corruption, but you are meant to come forth in me. I say that you are meant to be rejoicing, ever uplifted, being made glad always. I say that it is me the Living God who will give unto thee the blessedness, the truth, the life, the strength of who I am. It is me the Living God who will direct thee and guide thee in the way that I do provide.

Therefore I say even today be thankful unto me. I say be thankful that ye can be uplifted and guided, directed and instructed in truth. I say be thankful that it is me the Living God who has given unto thee the mercies of who I am. I say be thankful that I the Living God do not intend thee to be taken into a ditch, but that I intend thee to be brought forth in the truth, the light, the strength, the glory of who I am. I say when you see the judgment that I have against the nations, I say give thanks unto me. I say that it is me the Living God who does desire that men would return to righteousness rather than perish in the iniquity that is rampant in this hour.

I say that men are giving themselves to debauchery, defilement and destruction one after another. I say in so doing they are taken away from the validity of the truth that I do give. I say that I the Living God do not desire to see all men drowned in the sea of iniquity, but I desire to see men brought forth in the glorious light of who I am. I say that I desire to see men uplifted and instructed and guided always in my truth. Therefore I say be thankful, be thankful, be thankful unto me. For I say that it is me the Living God who will give unto thee the truth, the light, the strength, the mercy of who I am. It is me the Living God who will cause thee to be uplifted and guided in truth. It is me the Living God who will give thee the blessedness that I alone can give. I say that it is me who is omnipresent in the goodness of who I am. It is me who is omnipresent in the mercy, omnipresent in the truth, omnipresent in all power. I say do not tremble at the threats of the wicked, do not be entangled in the schemes of those who think they will overthrow. But I say simply be living in me, for I am thy God. I say it is me the Living God that you are meant to reverence and respect and I will keep thee always. I say I will indeed bring thee forth, uplift thee and guide thee in truth. I say I will indeed direct thee and instruct thee in the light of who I am. I say that it is me that you are meant to be pleasing, obeying and following all of thy days.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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