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Miracle-Working ARMY

THE APOSTLE PAUL writes in I Corinthians 9:22, "To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means (within godly measures!) I might save some." Paul was a godly man who recognized the true value of human souls, not like most of today who only USE men to further THEIR particular ministries. Paul knew that a soul saved (that remained saved!) would certainly spend eternity in the ineffable glories of Heaven; he also knew that a lost soul would live forever in the Lake that burns with fire and brimstone.

If more of us would think upon these two eternal facts--Heaven and Hell--we could not but acutely sense the triviality of this thing on earth called "Getting ahead in life." We would spend a lot more time trying to RESCUE lost or backslid souls. We would seek to earnestly follow in the train of Godly evangelists, preachers, and missionaries who have gone before us.

Held Accountable!
Don't be deceived, dear professed Christians.
We will ALL--I said ALL!--be held accoutable for what we do and don't do! We WILL be held accountable for our present generation that is perishing upon this sin-cursed earth. I speak to you the truth. To be forewarned is to be forearmed (read Ezekiel 3:18-19).

Miracle-Working Army
Yes! We need to be part of God's MIRACLE-WORKING ARMY as dedicated, consecrated, separated soldiers unto Jesus Christ our Lord, willing to give ourselves completely to Him and His will, possessing a burning love for His WAY and a holy desire to win souls--to save the utterly lost and call the backslid back into His ranks.

Oh, The Vanity!
While the professing Church adopts the music, the theatrical antics, dress/hair styles and jargon of this evil world as a means to "bring souls to Christ", the world is, in reality, winning the Church! Say, "AMEN!!" Dead churches are continually adopting worldly pernicious philosophies that give brain damage to all common men and women. Oh, the vanity of religious humanity!

But thank God, God IS--I said IS!--bringing miracles--real ones!--back into constant operation. Souls need salvation. The sick and diseased need healing. The demonized and demon possessed need deliverance. We're not only commanded to "preach the Gospel to every creature (soul)" but also to heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, and more (see Mark 16:15-18). Of course, this will be done by those WHO BELIEVE. I believe!

Don't Tell Me...
Don't tell me that all the miracle power of God has passed away! Scripture clearly teaches that those who BELIEVE will do miraculous deeds along with preaching the Gospel to the unsaved and raising up disciples/soldiers for the Lord Jesus.

Mark 16:17 states that "these signs will accompany those who believe" (NIV). The "signs" (Greek, semeion), done by true believers, confirm that the Gospel message is unquestionably genuine, that the LORD's mighty Kingdom has certainly come to earth in power, and that the living and risen Jesus Christ is ever present with His true people and is working thru them. (The Bible backs up everything I just stated.) Speaking with new tongues is also present with those who BELIEVE--thank God, I speak with new tongues!--and it is not the speaking of a learned language but of a God-given heavenly one.

Hear me! These spiritual manifestations mentioned in Scripture are intended to CONTINUE within Christ's true Spirit-filled Church until the return of Jesus. CONTINUE, my dear readers--C-O-N-T-I-N-U-E!! Paul stated in I Corinthians 1:7, "Therefore you [Corinthians] do not lack any spiritual gift [see I Corinthians 12] as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed [i.e., to return]." (See Galatians 3:5 also.) The New Testament never suggests or states that these "signs" were restricted to the first-century Church. NO!

Not Special Gifts
Jesus plainly indicated in Mark 16:15-20 that these "signs" are not limited special gifts for only a few, but were to be given to ALL believers who, in obedience to Him, witness continually to the verity of the Gospel and claim His promises. Do you believe? Have you received? Thank God, by His mercy I have!

Today's Failure
The failure of these miraculous "signs" to occur in our day and age is not Christ's failure to keep His sure promises. NO! The failure lies in the unbelief in today's churches. It lies within one's unbelieving heart. What kept Jesus from doing the miraculous in certain locations in His day? UNBELIEF.

His Promise
Christ has promised that His power, authority, and presence WILL accompany ALL those who BELIEVE. I believe! The fields are white unto harvest--souls must be saved, liberated from diseases and demons and death. By performing "signs" ("wonders" and "miracles") thru the great power of the Holy Spirit (see Matthew 10:1, Mark 16:16-20, Acts 4:31-33, etc.), we prove His existence and prove that His Kingdom HAS COME to earth.

The Spirit Does The Work
One founder of a Christian University here in America once said, "The best ability is dependability!" True, true, true. We must depend upon the Holy Spirit, not upon ourselves.

"Why don't we see more miracles today?" you ask. In addition to what I've already said, I would say that we, His Body of believers, have not been truly obedient to the heavenly vision. Too many, I said TOO MANY take the road of least resistance. We cut corners and cheat. We do not let the Holy Spirit take control of OUR lives as we should--hence, not many miracles. This modern Church LOVES the world too much.

The Holy Bible is not based upon some figment of the imagination or upon some writer's hallucination. NO! It is based upon real FACTS. Miracles are real. I can testify that I have seen numerous miracles thru the years. I can also testify that by God's grace, I have taken the Gospel around the world more than once, more than twice, more than three times and more. Thank God!

On Fire?
Dear readers, we cannot expect an "ON FIRE" Church/Army if we are lukewarm ourselves. There is an old saying that goes like this: "What you ARE speaks so loud I can't hear what you say!" Dead theological lectures won't cast out demons, raise the dead, or heal the sick. Teaching God's Word without fear and trepidation actually causes more harm than good. We need to RAISE HELL and RAISE THE DEAD! If you can't get the devil mad at you, you are worthless.

The Message Must Get Out
God is raising up His MIRACLE-WORKING ARMY whereby no sacrifice will be too great, no place too remote for His soldiers to take the Gospel and to show forth signs, wonders, and miracles!

Let us face the true facts here: MOST CHURCHGOERS HAVE BECOME TOO LAZY AND TOO WORLDLY TO BE USED OF THE LORD IN THESE CRUCIAL DAYS. Too many are literally sick, diseased and demonized themselves. And let us face another ugly fact: MOST, I SAID MOST CHURCH LEADERS DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DELIVER THEIR OWN PEOPLE--AND THEY DON'T CARE EITHER! As long as the money rolls in and the sheep pay their dues and the "show" goes on, all is well with them. Well, it is not well with us, for we can't be satisfied belonging to any of today's DEAD denominations.

On Fire For Jesus?
"Burning hot for Jesus, like a flame of fire!
True shepherd guiding, not out for hire!
Desiring His "signs" to spread o'er the earth,
Fighting for souls till millions are brought to birth."

Has your "FIRE" gone out, dear Christian? If so, repent of your idolatry, your adultery! Pray for a burning desire to serve Jesus at any cost--Join the Army of God that sheds no blood!

~General James Green

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