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Words Of The Spirit

Given July 31, 2008


I speak unto thee I say ever be seeking to please me for I am thy God. I say do not seek for the things of this life that shall pass away but seek for me. It is me the Living God who is the truth, the light, the strength, the glory intended for thee. It is me the Living God who will bring thee forth if you keep your focus upon me. I say this day do not give yourselves to the pursuit of those things that pass away, to the pursuit of those things that shall matter not. I say that I the Living God have never called thee to be pursuing those things that are vanity and vexation. I say that I have never called thee to be seeking only for the things that are of no value in eternity at all.

I say that it is me the Living God that you are meant to please, that you are meant to obey, and follow after. It is me the Living God that you are meant to be in obedience unto always. I say that it is me the Living God who is the way of life, the way of truth intended. It is me the Living God who will give thee tender mercy if you will keep stayed upon me. Therefore I say be ever thankful that it is me that you can look to, that it is me that you believe in, that it is me that you can obey. I say be ever thankful that it is me the Living God who will give thee the blessedness of who I am. I say be ever thankful that ye are uplifted, directed and guided by me. It is me the Living God that you are meant to be pleasing, it is me the Living God that you are meant to be in obedience unto.

Therefore I say be thankful that it is me the Living God who will cause thee to prosper in the way that is my life. Be thankful that it is me the Living God who will uplift and direct thee, lead and guide thee in the blessedness that I can give. I say if it is me that you keep your focus upon, it is me who will uplift thee in strength. If it is me that you keep your focus upon, it is me who will bring thee forth and you will be able to rejoice always in me. I say this day be glad that it is me the Living God who will uplift and direct thee, lead and guide thee in the truth of who I am. I say be glad that it is me the Living God who does purpose thee that you can rejoice always.

Be glad that it is me the Living God who will indeed uplift and direct, lead and guide thee for ye are mine. For I say it is me the Living God that you keep your focus upon, it is me the Living God who will indeed bring thee forth. I say this day be thankful that it is me that you can keep believing and it is of me that you will be receiving. I say that I the Living God never called my people to pursue the vanity, the vexation, the darkness of the things of this world. I say that I have never called my people to seek to be rich, to be prospered in this live. I say that it is me that you are meant to be seeking, that it is me that you are meant to be pleasing.

I say that there are many in this wicked and perverse generation who have been turned aside from me. I say they have given themselves to the pursuit of riches only to the destruction of their own souls. I say when any man or woman will give themselves over to the lust of money I say they are giving themselves over to destruction. I say that I have never called thee to be loving riches more than you love me. But I say that I have called thee to continue steadfast in the way that I give thee for it is the way of life. I say that I have called thee to be uplifted and guided and instructed in the truth of who I am. I say that I have called thee to be seeking to please me for it is me the Living God who is meant to bear rule over thee. I say that my people yield themselves to many masters and I say that those things will destroy them.

I say that I the Living God never called my people to be deceived but I have called my people to walk honestly in the truth. I say that I have called my people to come forth in the light of who I am and be uplifted in me. I say this day be careful what it is that you love, be careful what it is that you serve. I say you are not meant to be serving any man or even the riches of this world. I say you are meant to be serving me for I am thy God. I say that it is me the Living God that you are meant to seek to please and obey and follow after.

I say this day do not be taken away from me by deceitfulness, do not be taken away from me by seduction, but I say walk uprightly in me. I say that it is me the Living God who is the life, the strength, the power, the glory intended for thee. It is me the Living God who will indeed uplift thee and direct thee always. I say if it is me the Living God that you will be pleasing, it is me the Living God who will give thee my life. It is me the Living God who will uplift thee and direct thee and guide thee in the truth of who I am. I say this day be rejoicing to be a partaker of the blessedness of who I am. I say be rejoicing to be a partaker of the truth, the light, the strength, the glory that are found in me.

I say that if it is me the Living God that you will keep looking unto, if it is me the Living God that you will follow after, it is me the Living God who will direct thee in the truth of who I am. It is me the Living God who will uplift thee and cause thee to know the blessedness that is found in me. Therefore I say continue to look unto me, believe in me and you will receive of me. I say that I the Living God do not call thee to go in the way of the deceived, but I call thee to come forth in truth. I say that you must learn to stand valiant for the truth that I give thee for indeed it is precious. I say that men will give themselves for vanity and vexation, they will give themselves for the deceitfulness of riches that pass away. I say they will even give themselves for some great love affair or so they imagine.

But I say that they will not give themselves for me, the lover of their souls. I say what fools they are for when they stand before me they will see that they gave themselves for nothing. I say that in the end they will howl and moan in destitution of soul. I say that I the Living God do not call thee to give thy selves to those things that pass away, but I call thee to give thy selves for me for I am meant to bear rule over thee. I say that it is me the Living God that you are meant to be pleasing always day by day. It is me the Living God that you are meant to follow after for I am the way of truth, the way of light, the way of mercy intended. It is me the Living God who will uplift and direct thee all of thy days.

Therefore I say be ever thankful that I am the one who will lead thee forth, that I am the one who will uplift thee and direct thee always. I say be ever thankful that you can be looking unto me time and again. I say be ever thankful that you can be brought forth in all that I the Living God do provide. I say that it is me the Living God who is the way of truth, the way of light, the way of mercy. It is me the Living God who will give thee all that I can give thee day by day. Therefore I say let it be me that you seek to please, let it be me that you will obey and follow after. Do not give way to those things that would seek to devour and destroy thy soul.

But I say continue to resist steadfast and come forth in me. I say continue to resist and come forth in the blessedness, the truth of who I am. I say that I the Living God will indeed give strength unto thee as you stay true to me. I say that I will indeed uplift thee and direct thee in the life of who I am. I say that I will indeed bring thee forth and you can rejoice always. I say that it is me the Living God who is the way of blessedness, the way of truth, the way of mercy. It is me the Living God who delights to see thee brought forth believing and trusting in me. I say this day do not quickly and cheaply sell out your soul for that which passes away. I say there are many who have betrayed me, departed from me because they did not trust in me.

But I say that they trusted in those things that are carnal that pass away. I say the consequence is that they lost their souls. I say do not be so foolish, do not be so short sighted as to give up your eternal destiny in me for those things that pass away. Do not seek for riches that make themselves wings at the cost of your own soul.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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