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"To another the working of miracles: to another PROPHECY:..." (I Cor. 12:10)

PROPHETIC MESSAGES, words of wisdom, knowledge and understanding given by the Spirit of God. THE WORDS OF THE SPIRIT are given just as we have received them. We offer no explanations, apologies or interpretations, nor do we compel you, the reader, to agree or disagree. We have not changed them, adulterated them or doctored them up. THE WORDS OF THE SPIRIT come to you just as they have come to us. These words are guaranteed to kill the flesh, heal the wounds and fill the spirit man with joy. Taken from our international radio programs, printed and given out freely.

WORDS OF GOD'S JUDGMENT -WARNING!-Take Heed and Humble Yourself Before God! -Includes THUS SAITH THE LORD BOOKLETS.
Bread for the Nations -READ many propetic words taken from our international radio broadcasts. The Living God still speaks to His people!

Bread for the Nations AUDIO -LISTEN to many propetic words taken from our international radio broadcasts!
Our Sustaining Bread AUDIO -LISTEN to prophetic Words given to our community on a daily basis. Living Word for daily living!
Miracle River of Life -God's Miracle River Revolution is rolling on! Read about it here then come JOIN THE REVOLUTION!
Various Prophetic Words of Importance -Words of interest and wisdom speaking to many aspects of life. Selected from the ongoing flow of Miracle River.

Write for our other free publications dealing with the JUDGMENTS OF GOD.

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